Every business tries to find engaging ways to get traffic from Twitter and other social media platforms that convert. But when users visit your website by clicking on your links, they do so with different purposes and intentions. Some users just want to check out your content simply to learn new things. Others may scroll through the website to share their answers with their own audiences. And a selected bunch of people might really be interested and ready to buy your product or services. Now comes your part as a business or brand that how you will cater to those who are ready to convert?
Different social media accounts allow you to connect and cater to your audiences or potential customers to convert to sales. When you start with something like Twitter it is important that how you engage with people and send them to your website to convert to sales. All you need is the proper optimization of your Twitter profile and executing a content plan that really works. Here are the things you can do to optimize your Twitter profile and to generate more traffic from twitter that converts:

1) Tweet consistently
Tweeting consistently is the key to use Twitter successfully and driving traffic to your website. If you want your Tweets to be seen to a maximum number of people, you need to tweet regularly. As different people, brands, organizations Tweet often, a user’s home feed changes and moves quickly.

In fact, according to ‘MtoMconsulting website’ the average duration of a Tweet is around 15-20 minutes only. It means, if you want to stay visible or on top of the user’s news feed you need to tweet often. As a result, it’s recommended to Tweet at least 8-10 times a day, which is hugely more from any other social media platform.

2) Find the best times to share
Using Twitter’s analytics and stats will help you to determine the best times for you to tweet on your profile. It will help you in creating content according to the likes and dislikes of your audience. Twitter’s analytics can be useful in many cases, but as a brand or business, you should use social media analytics tools, which can provide you far better results. These tools will help you more accurately to decide the best time to post on your Twitter profile and can boost your engagement.

You can also try different scheduling times for weekdays versus weekends to test what works best for you.

3) Keep a Tweet pinned
One of the best features of Twitter is that it allows you to pin Tweets to your profile, which means you can choose the best Tweet to stay at the top of your profile. You can pin any Tweet you want, but a Tweet with a call-to-action is advisable to maximize conversions. A tweet with a call-to-action will allow the user to land on your website, to a signup page, a product launch landing page or an article.
This pinned Tweet is the first Tweet the user will see when scrolling through the feed. To pin a Tweet, just click the dropdown arrow next to the Tweet and select “Pin to your profile page.”

4) Add URLs into your profile
Adding your website’s URL on your Twitter profile will make it easy for the users to discover and access your website or any landing page. There is a designated area where you can add your URL to your profile. You can link your website’s main homepage, your blog page, some signup page, or any other landing page whatever you want. Adding URLs maximizes the opportunity to transfer traffic to your website or any page related to you.

5) Re-share old content
As it’s important to Tweet so often on Twitter, sometimes you can simply recycle your old content. This means you can re-share your old content on your profile to make your visibility on the user’s feed. It is not necessary that every Tweet will be seen by all your followers, so it’s a great way to get more engagement. You can re-share your profile’s evergreen posts or posts that include landing pages to it, to drive more traffic to your website. Some of you might think that resharing the old content is not a great idea, but as long as you re-share content alongside your fresh new content your audience won’t feel like they’re seeing the same thing again and again.

6) Ask your audience to take action
Another great way to engage your customers on Twitter is by asking them to take action on your post or Tweet. Be clear and tell them what you want them to do, you can ask them to click on a link, to share your tweet or to download something. For example, you can ask like “Share if you agree!”, “Download the PDF below” or “Click below to learn more.” This gives the user a specific action to take on your tweet and increases the engagement on your post.

By following these strategies, you can use Twitter to increase your website traffic and conversions. Start sending quality traffic from Twitter to your website, or any landing page. Publishing company’s updates is not enough; you have to work on your social media optimization and use Twitter to create high-quality engagement to build conversions.