Neither are you a magician and nor do you have a crystal ball, thus, predicting the next big digital marketing trends does get a little tricky in order to compete with others. However, it doesn’t necessarily need to be a lot of guesswork, so you need not worry! Here’s your checklist to shake up the digital marketing for your business in 2016:

  • Search Goes Social
    Social media has revolutionized the way we search on search engines. Google has also started indexing the social media content including tweets. This makes it crucial for you to nurture your presence on various social channels. You can easily steal the advantage over your competitors by having a well-watered presence across various social platforms.
  • Launch Your App
    Launching your own mobile app is another sure shot way to grow your online footprints. Google already induces the content from mobile apps in its search results; hence, the immediacy of this medium gives you a simple, easy & convenient mode of connecting with the target audience. Thus, launch your own app to put your business in the palm of your consumer’s hand.
  • Mobile Ready Websites
    It was observed that the year 2015 saw Google dishing out the ranking penalties for the websites that aren’t mobile ready. Since more & more number of people browse internet on their mobile phones and not on the bulky laptops, hence 2016 is going to be the year that’ll make it vital to optimize your website & digital marketing for tablets as well as smartphones.
  • Pop-Ups Drive Conversion
    A new research has concluded that pop-ups can be an effective tool if used correctly. A gentle invitation to the visitors encouraging them to join your newsletter that is relevant to the content that visitor is reading drives conversion & makes you ace the ongoing competition in the digital marketing.
  • Quality Content
    A good quality content not only satisfies the searcher’s intention but also engages them to make them stick around is another factor that drives digital marketing. Search is thus not just limited with using apt keywords but also about learning the meaning behind the words that you use.
  • Social ads
    Online advertising is on a rapid growth & hence in 2016, digital ad spends is expected to finally surpass TV. You can utilize various action oriented ad formats. Consider Facebook clicks & Twitter Generation Leads to Website ads with various call-to-action buttons to encourage people to do something instead of just promoting your social account.
  • Marketing Automation
    Marketing automation concept is nothing new. However, many companies fall short of implementing a strong & robust marketing automation system that actually works. The year 2016 is the year where the marketers are going to need to dive in, identify the loopholes in the firm’s sales & marketing and form a detailed marketing automation strategy to make the goals attainable.
  • Video Promotion
    Videos help in entertaining & engaging their target audiences by using nice visuals, cool colors and soothing music for a given business. Hence, video promotion trend is going to increase by many folds in 2016, so the marketers must watch out for an explosion in the video marketing & analytics. So if the marketers aren’t producing good videos for promotion, this is the right time!
  • Wearable Technology
    The adoption of wearable technology is going to continue to gain momentum even in 2016 as the devices are going to continue to rule our world. So technology wrapped around your wrist or under your hoodie is certainly going to be a trend in digital marketing in 2016.
  • Seamless Customer Experience
    All the possible forms of advertising need to come together with the prime goal being the sales cycle & customer services as a seamless experience for the consumer is quite critical. Make it easy to measure the sentiment and match their behavior with the outreach tailored to the consumer’s wants.


Ergo, in a nutshell you can incorporate these simple tricks to boost your business by making a smart use of digital marketing.

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